Zhengxiao Han

I am a M.Sc. Student in Robotics at Northwestern Univeristy.

Previously, I spent a gap year as a Research Assistant at Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies, Peking University, under the supervision of Prof. Hao Dong.

I completed my Bachelor's degree in 2023 at BUCT, where I used to lead the SIE Robotics Club.

Before getting the B.Eng., I spent two years at DISCOVER Lab, Tsinghua University as a Research Intern, under the supervision of Prof. Guyue Zhou.

Proudly, I am a core contributor to Mini Pupper, an open-source quadruped robot.

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Research & Engineering

I have always been working on Robotics. Currently I'm interested in Embodied AI.

(Submitted) A research paper submitted to ICRA 2025
Tianshu Wu*, Jiyao Zhang*, Sheldon Liang, Zhengxiao Han, Hao Dong

7-DOF Humanoid Robotic Arm with Tactile-enabled Dexterous Hand
Zhengxiao Han, Jinzhou Li, Tao Wang, Hao Dong

Constructed a 7-DOF humanoid robotic arm with dexterous hands equipped with tactile sensors for data collection, and interfaced it with ROS Control and MoveIt. All work was done by me independently. We will work on encoding visual, tactile (not vision-based) and joint signals for imitation learning and deploy learned policies on real robots.

Full-stack 6-DOF robotic arm development
Zhengxiao Han, Jiyao Zhang, Hao Dong

Achived hardware design of a new 6-DOF robotic arm, and interfaced all hardware under ROS Control and MoveIt. Interfaced the robotic arm with GraspNet and achived a grasping demo. All work was done by me independently.

Full-stack 6-DOF robotic arm and gripper development
Zhengxiao Han, Jiyao Zhang, Hao Dong

Achived hardware design of a 6-DOF robotic arm and a 2-finger adaptive parallel gripper (same capability as Robotiq 2f-85 Gripper). Constructed a robotic arm SDK with CMake, and interfaced the lib with ROS and Isaac Sim.

Bimanual Demonstration System
Zhengxiao Han, Shanning Zhuang, Zihang Chen, Zihan Zhuang, Ximing Wang, Jiangtao Gong

Inspired by ALOHA, we proposed an improved bimanual demonstration system. Constructed the SDK using C++ and CMake. Utilized KDL to solve kinematic and dynamic problems, then achived gravity compensation based on inverse dynamics. Designed a parallel two-finger gripper based on rack-gear structures.

Mini Pupper 2: Open-Source Quadruped Robot Dog Kit
Afreez Gan, Lily Wang, Jian Song, Marcin Prylinski, Zhengxiao Han, Yunlong Feng

Developed all the ROS 2 (Humble) software suite including Locomotion, SLAM, Navigation, and CV functions. Deployed Cartographer with an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to fuse IMU data and LiDAR odometry, enhancing the robostness and accuracy of Mini Pupper's localization system.

Enhancing Daily Life Through an Interactive Desktop Robotics System
Yuhang Zheng, Qiyao Wang, Chengliang Zhong, He Liang, Zhengxiao Han, Yupeng Zheng,
CICAI, 2023 🏆 Best Demo Award
[Paper] [Video]

We developed an intelligent desktop operating robot designed to assist humans in their daily lives by comprehending natural language with large language models and performing a variety of desktop-related tasks.

Long-term Interactive Driving Simulation: MPC to the Rescue
Zhengxiao Han, Zhijie Yan, Yang Li, Pengfei Li, Yifeng Shi, Nairui Luo, Xu Gao, Yongliang Shi, Pengfei Huang, Jiangtao Gong, Guyue Zhou, Yilun Chen, Hang Zhao, Hao Zhao
CICAI, 2023
[Paper] [Code] [Video]

Cooperated with Baidu Apollo and MARS Lab at Tsinghua University. We propose to introduce a tailored Model Predictive Control (MPC) module as a rescue into the state-of-the art interactive trajectory prediction model M2I. Notably, our method can effectively address the Out-of-Domain (OOD) problem in long-term simulation by enforcing a flexible regularization that admits the replayed data, while still enjoying the diversity of data-driven predictions.

INT2: Interactive Trajectory Prediction at Intersections
Zhijie Yan, Pengfei Li, Zheng Fu, Shaocong Xu, Yongliang Shi, Xiaoxue Chen, Yuhang Zheng, Yang Li, Tianyu Liu, Chuxuan Li, Nairui Luo, Xu Gao, Yilun Chen, Zuoxu Wang, Yifeng Shi, Pengfei Huang, Zhengxiao Han, Jirui Yuan, Jiangtao Gong, Guyue Zhou, Hang Zhao, Hao Zhao
ICCV, 2023
[Paper] [Code] [Video]

We present a large-scale interactive trajectory prediction dataset named INT2 for INTeractive trajectory prediction at INTersections. INT2 includes 612,000 scenes, each lasting 1 minute, containing up to 10,200 hours of data. We benchmark the best open-sourced interactive trajectory prediction method on INT2 and Waymo Open Dataset, under in-domain and cross-domain settings.

Cooperative Multi-Robot System
Zhengxiao Han, Jingtian Deng, Chenghao Lin, Tianao Ren, Guyue Zhou

Utilized Pure Pursuit algorithm for multi-robot formation control, which was tested in both real world and Isaac Sim. Utilized an EKF-based 2D LiDAR localization system as the odometry. Utilized KDL for solving kinematic problems of our own 6-DOF robotic arm, and combined it with the odometry, achieving Chiken-Head Mode. Combined all the functions above, and constructed a multi-robot cooperative system to carry a box in Isaac Sim.

ICRA 2022 RoboMaster University Sim2real Challenge
Zhengxiao Han, Chenghao Lin, Tianao Ren, Luoji Zhu, Haitao Rao

Deployed an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) alongside an omnidirectional motion model for state projection and correction using sensor data, including IMU and odometry. Utilized A* algorithm for global path planning and Timed Elastic Band (TEB) algorithm for local path planning. Utilized ArUco library for detecting boxes' poses.

Mini Pupper: Open-Source Quadruped Robot Dog Kit
Afreez Gan, Marcin Prylinski, Xiongshi Xu, Zhengxiao Han

Inspired by Stanford's open-source quadruped robot Pupper, I designed my own mechanical hardware, mainly improved its leg structures. After that, I was contacted by Mini Pupper's team and joined them. We developed the first product together. I independently developed all the ROS software suite including Locomotion, SLAM, Navigation, and CV functions. We crowd-funded $500,000 on Kickstarter when I was a junior.


Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A.
Master of Science, Robotics
Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China
Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Its Automation
GPA: 87.4/100, Ranking: 6/72. Ex-president of SIE Robotics Club. Guitar player in the Towers (a student band).

September, 2024.
Design and source code from Jon Barron's website.